Brian Soares is the creator of Pop Zeal. He has written film, music and art-exhibit reviews, as well as larger feature articles, profiling those in the arts & entertainment arena. His work has been published in SF MODA magazine, 50/50 magazine, and Oblivion magazine. He began blogging with an early incarnation of Pop Zeal on Blogger, then created the Tumblr blog entitled, Poptimum. After living and working in San Francisco, he now resides in, and writes from, his home state of Hawaii.


If It Makes Me Happy

Bowing down to Sheryl Crow at a signing for the cookbook she co-authored, If It Makes You Healthy.

Didn’t leave without telling her that “My Favorite Mistake” could very well be my favorite song ever, and as you’ll discover here, I like A LOT of songs.*

*Photo courtesy of Rob Miller.